Crop Management

BVT to begin commercial demonstrations in Florida

Bee Vectoring Technologies has entered into formal agreements with several U.S. strawberry growers to conduct large-scale commercial demonstrations of its proprietary growing system. The demonstrations in Florida will begin in January. The commercial-scale demos represent... more »

Mushy spots on peppers: Disease or disorder?

Frustration in pepper season can arrive when plants, healthy and strong in appearance, start to produce peppers with discolored, mushy spots. While the first instinct might be that there’s a pathogen out there infecting the... more »

Recent rainfall provides hope for Georgia farmers

Welcome rains during December 2016 and the first week of 2017 are providing hope for Georgia farmers looking for relief from a statewide severe drought, according to Pam Knox, University of Georgia (UGA) agricultural climatologist... more »

Cornell to host greenhouse, high tunnel IPM webinars

Cornell University's New York State Integrated Pest Management program will host a series of short webinars on Greenhouse/High Tunnel Vegetable IPM on Thursdays from noon to 1 p.m. in February and March.  The intent is for... more »

Isagro named exclusive distributor for Taegro 2

Isagro USA has signed an agreement to exclusively distribute BioAg Alliance's Taegro 2 Biofungicide in the United States and Canada. The BioAg Alliance is a long-term partnership between Monsanto Company and Novozymes. Taegro 2 provides... more »

NCSU researchers study strawberry clipper effects on yield

During 2016, our laboratory completed a three year project tracking the occurrence and impact of strawberry clipper weevil in annual, plasticuture strawberry fields. Our results have recently been published, and we would like to share them... more »

LettuceBot wins 2017 AE50 award

Blue River Technology's LettuceBot precision lettuce thinning implement was just recognized by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) with an AE50 Award. AE50 awards honor the year’s most innovative designs in engineering products... more »

Getting started with hoophouse management webinar set

On Feb. 13, Michigan State University Extension will host “Getting Started with Hoophouse Management.” This two-hour webinar starts at 7 p.m. and will cover a wide range of topics to help beginning growers identify ways... more »

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