Disease Control
Tips to curb asparagus disease damage
Foliar disease damage from purple spot and soilborne disease damage from crown and root rots are still major threats to asparagus. That’s the message from Mary Hausbeck, Michigan State University vegetable disease pathologist. Hausbeck talked... more »
AgBiome receives EPA fungicide approval
AgBiome Inc. announced its newest product, Theia fungicide, has received approval from the Environmental Protection Agency. Theia delivers broad spectrum foliar and soil disease control for high-value fruit and vegetable crops. It protects crops through... more »
Albaugh acquires Rotam Global AgroSciences
Albaugh LLC, a crop protection product provider, has completed its acquisition of Rotam Global AgroSciences. The acquisition by the Ankeny, Iowa-based Albaugh creates a leading global crop protection company with total sales exceeding $2 billion... more »
Newly discovered protein in fungus bypasses plant defenses
A protein that allows the fungus that causes white mold stem rot in more than 600 plant species to overcome plant defenses has been identified by a team of U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research... more »
Advances made against cucumber downy mildew
Downy mildew is the disease to beat in pickling cucumbers, and there are three questions to ask: When do you begin fungicide applications? What fungicide should be used? Once a fungicide is sprayed, how many... more »
Louisiana strawberries hit by new plant disease
A new disease called Pestalotia leaf spot and fruit rot caused by the Neopestalotiopsis fungus species has been detected on strawberries in Tangipahoa Parish. Louisiana State University AgCenter plant doctor Raj Singh said an aggressive form... more »
Johnny’s connects with a phytopathologist, a basil grower and a breeder
Basil is a high-demand, high-value crop that consumers expect to be flawless on presentation. Growers need access to the best-performing, most disease-resistant basil varieties available, and as a committed partner in the success of our... more »
Study shows planting cucumbers early can help to avoid downy mildew
Downy mildew affects cucumber crops in South Carolina every year and can cause huge crop losses, but Clemson University researchers say planting early can cut growers’ losses to just about zero. A 2021 study conducted... more »