
Water allocation, snowpack eyed with $4.97 million from USDA

Mountain snowpack is a primary source of water for the arid western United States. This region, which includes Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah, receives precipitation in mountains far from agricultural fields,... more »

NIFA invests in research to solve critical water problems

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has awarded seven grants for research that will provide solutions to critical water problems across the United States. These awards were made through... more »

Sept. 4 meeting to focus on California water

The California State Board of Food and Agriculture will hear from state and local officials on issues related to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, the Bay Delta Plan and other water initiatives. The meeting will... more »

Research project seeks better water efficiency

Texas A&M AgriLife Research is poised to be a catalyst in the next major leap forward for water and energy use relating to food and landscape irrigation systems. The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research... more »

Delay in Waters of US rule nixed by South Carolina court

Manufacturers, farmers and other industry groups plan to appeal a federal court decision that reinstated in 26 states an Obama-era rule that defined which waterways are covered by Clean Water Act regulations. Bloomberg news service... more »

FDA updates agriculture water testing rules

FDA has just updated the list of equivalent agricultural water testing methods. The new factsheet is attached, and also available online here. • The produce safety rule landing page, in the right-hand column https://www.fda.gov/food/guidanceregulation/fsma/ucm334114.htm •... more »

WOTUS rule blocking celebrated in Georgia

Agriculture Commissioner Gary W. Black said in a news release Friday he “applauds” legal action to block enforcement of the ”burdensome” Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. The U.S. District Court for the Southern... more »

Agsource Labs offers GAP water sample pickup in Wisconsin

The 2018 AgSource Laboratories GAP water sample pick-up route service is underway. After two successful seasons, we’re bringing back this service for farmers who need to get their GAP, which stands for ‘Good Agricultural Practices’,... more »

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