Mar 2, 2023Biologicals summit focuses on next-gen tools
A new event is designed to raise awareness of biological solutions that are available to fruit and vegetable growers to enhance soil and plant health.
The Salinas Biological Summit is set for June 20-21, at California State University-Monterey Bay’s Salinas City Center.
“This is an incredibly important and timely summit that focuses on an area that needs much more attention, planning and coordination of next-gen tools so we can ensure bountiful production of horticultural crops so critical to health and nutrition,” California Department of Food and Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross, who will speak at the start of the event, said in the release.
Confirmed speakers at the event include Dave Puglia, president and CEO of Western Growers; Julie Henderson, director of the California Department of Pesticide Regulation; Don Cameron, vice president and general manager of Terranova Ranch; Pam Marrone, CEO and founder of Chestnut Bio Advisors; and Scott Kumar, senior vice president of of global research and development at Driscoll’s.
Registration, hotel accommodations and the agenda for the Salinas Biological Summit can be found here.