Jan 26, 2017CDFA announces $6M joint ag water efficiency program
The California Department of Water Resources and the California Department of Food and Agriculture have released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for joint applications involving funding for both agricultural water suppliers and agricultural operations.
This pilot grant program will combine $3 million in funding from DWR’s Proposition 1 fund, for agricultural water suppliers to pressurize the delivery of water directly to growers. This modernizes water deliveries to match technological upgrades by growers to create more efficient irrigation systems. CDFA’s State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program will provide an additional $3 million for growers to receive that water and utilize it through technologies such as drip, subsurface drip, and micro-sprinkler irrigation systems.
Agricultural water suppliers such as irrigation districts will be the lead applicants for the joint program and will work with agricultural operations within their service areas to prepare a proposal for funding. Grant applications will be due on April 21.
The agencies also anticipate that the projects funded through this program will improve water and air quality, groundwater security, surface water conservation, nutrient management and crop health.
WR and CDFA will hold an informational webinar on Monday, January 23, 2017 at 10:30 A.M. to provide information on the program objectives, eligibility, and application process. To register for the application webinar and to find out more on the joint program, visit the program webpage at http://www.water.ca.gov/wuegrants/AgWUEPilot.cfm