Jun 25, 2020
Hydroponic, aquaponic and aeroponic growers wanted for USDA project

I am excited to share the survey for my research project, “Systems Analysis of Hydroponic, Aquaponic, and Aeroponic Food Production in the United States. This research is funded by the United State Department of Agriculture and administered by myself, Blaire O’Neal, a postdoctoral fellow at San Diego State University.

This research seeks to evaluate the current state of hydroponic, aquaponic, and aeroponic urban farms in the United States, as well as its opportunities and barriers to their continued growth. We hope that gathering data directly from participants in businesses and organizations in this industry will help us identify ways in which we can support and improve the industry and urban food systems.

You will find the survey at the following link: https://sdsu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2izxDmfSWEjwLHf

We want to hear from ALL participants in hydroponic, aeroponic, and aquaponic food production businesses and organizations including farmers, CEOs, owners, directors, managers, scientists, volunteers, etc. We would like to hear from as many respondents as possible including multiple respondents from a single business or organization. If you work at a business of organization is this industry, we appreciate you sharing this survey link with all members of your team!

The survey takes about 10 minutes. I greatly hope you will be able to spare this time – the success of this project will not be possible without the help of people like you! There is an optional, additional in-depth section intended for those respondents involved in farm operations and management. If you are in this leadership role, I hope you will consider taking an additional 10 minutes to complete this section.

You can find more information on the project and participation in the attached form. I greatly appreciate your consideration and I hope to hear from you soon.

Blaire O’Neal, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
National Institute of Food & Agriculture
San Diego State University
[email protected]

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