Apr 25, 2018Michigan issues 24c label for Spartan 4F on strawberry
The Michigan Department of Agriculture has approved a Special Local Needs (SLN) label, also known as a Section 24c label, for the use of Spartan 4F on strawberry. Strawberry is on the Spartan Section 3 label, but that label does not include use at renovation. Michigan had a similar 24c label previously, but the label expired in 2016. This new 24c label is effective until Dec. 31, 2023.
The new Spartan 24c label allows the use of Spartan at a rate of 8 fluid ounces (0.25 pound active ingredient) per application, with a total of 12 fluid ounces (0.375 pound active ingredient) per acre per year in two applications. It may be applied before or after transplanting a new field, at renovation or after fall dormancy. It also may be applied in spring before strawberry plants produce new growth.
Spartan is a very effective herbicide. It controls several difficult strawberry weeds, including common groundsel, common lambsquarters, ladysthumb, mayweed, redroot and Powell pigweeds, pineappleweed, prostrate knotweed and wild buckwheat. Spartan may injury newly-emerged leaves of strawberry plants, so avoid application during periods of new growth. Apply after mowing at renovation.
There is a 70-day pre-harvest interval. For areas in Michigan that begin harvest in early June, the spring dormant herbicide should be applied in late March. Spartan probably is most effective when applied at renovation to control mid- and late-season weeds.
The label is not posted on CDMS as of April 25, 2018, but it should be posted soon. The printed labels should be available from dealers soon.
– Bernard Zandstra, Michigan State University Extension, Department of Horticulture