Mar 12, 2015
MSU bulletin provides information on asparagus insect pests, diseases

Michigan State University Extension has developed “Disease and Insect Pests of Asparagus,” a new bulletin that helps scouts and growers learn about the pest complex attacking asparagus. This resource is aimed at new scouts, new asparagus growers or anyone who wants a comprehensive reference on the insects and diseases that can be important in asparagus. It contains high quality color photos in addition to information on the life cycle of each pest. Search for bulletin E3219 at the MSU Extension Bookstore website to order a print copy or download a free PDF version.

The goal of the bulletin is to help you learn to identify the major pests challenging your asparagus, and then learn enough about the way pests make their living to make informed management decisions. To help you accomplish this, the bulletin contains high quality images of both major and minor pests and a section on key characteristics to help you identify each species. For each insect and disease, it includes a section on biology describing life cycles and damage. It then describes basic cultural practices that can help all growers – small or large, organic or conventional – manage each pest.

What is the best way to use this bulletin to learn about asparagus pests? First, you or your employees can read it before the season to get a heads up about what pest species to expect in the field. Next, keep an eye out for symptoms and signs of these different pests during the season and reference the bulletin as you see each pest to commit information about it to memory. Seeing the pest in person and associating it with the information in a bulletin like this will help you learn. Once you know your pests, you will be better able to manage them efficiently and effectively.

For more information, click here.

Ben Werling, Michigan State University


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