Mar 5, 2020
Nematologist George W. Bird to receive MSU Distinguished Faculty Award

George W. Bird, Ph.D., will receive the 2020 Michigan State University (MSU) College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) Distinguished Faculty Award during ANR Week on March 6.

The Distinguished Faculty Award recognizes faculty members who have brought distinction to the CANR through teaching, research and/or outreach and provided leadership that has helped students, faculty members and/or citizens reach their potential for excellence.

Bird is professor emeritus of nematology in the Department of Entomology. He has been teaching at MSU since 1973 and although he retired over a decade ago, he continues to teach the Honors College section of Entomology 205 every spring semester. He has a passion for nematology, soil health and the education of both student and producers of food, feed and fiber plants in Michigan.

George W. Bird. Photo: Michigan State University

Before coming to MSU, Bird earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Rutgers University and a Ph.D. from Cornell University. He then worked as a research scientist for Agriculture Canada and as a faculty member at the University of Georgia.

Bird’s teaching, research and MSU Extension responsibilities have been in the areas of nematology, integrated pest management, sustainable agriculture and soil health biology. His contributions to science and agriculture include serving as president of the Society of Nematologists, the first national director for the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program and 19 years of service on the Board of Directors for the Rodale Institute.

He was instrumental in the formation of the MSU Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic (formerly Diagnostic Services). His recent involvements in central Asia earned him the name of Professor George. Among his recognitions are the Michigan Vegetable Council Master Farmer Associate Award, Melvin Jones Humanitarian Services Award, Sustainable Agriculture Hero Award and the Howard and Lili Ann Camden Endowed Teacher/Scholar Award.

In 2020, Bird continues his agricultural research, outreach and MSU academic instruction initiatives.

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