Nov 2, 2017
Organic board says aeroponics out, hydroponics, aquaponics in

The pioneers of the sustainable farming movement are mourning what they call the downfall of the organic program, following a vote the night of Nov. 1 by a group of government farming advisers that could determine the future of the $50 billion organic industry.

According to a story by the Washington Post, at issue was whether a booming generation of hydroponic, aquaponic and aeroponic farms – which grow plants in nutrients without using soil, frequently indoors – could continue to sell their produce under the “organic” label.

In a series of narrow votes, an advisory board to the U.S. Department of Agriculture voted to allow the majority of these operators to remain a part of the organic program, dealing a blow to the movement’s early leaders.

Organic pioneers have argued that including hydroponic produce under the label has undermined the integrity of the program they fought decades to establish, and at a time when it is already under intense scrutiny. Some have said they will consider leaving the USDA-regulated program entirely.

According to the Post:

“This was the Hail Mary pass to save the National Organic Program, and they didn’t catch it,” said Dave Chapman, a longtime organic tomato farmer who lobbied to have hydroponics banned from the organics label. “They did incalculable damage to the seal tonight. It’s just going to take them a while to realize it.”

Wednesday’s recommendation, issued by the National Organic Standards Board, came in four parts.

The board voted to keep out aeroponic farming, which grows plants — typically herbs and leafy greens — suspended in the air with their roots exposed. But it voted to allow hydroponics, which grow plants in water-based nutrient solutions, and aquaponics, which combine hydroponic systems with farmed fish operations.

The board also declined to tighten its restrictions on container growing, a variation on hydroponics that involves raising plants in containers filled with a mixture of organic matter, water and nutrients. That system has been adopted by a number of major organic berry growers, such as Driscoll’s and Wholesum Harvest.

For more on the story, visit here.

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