Apr 28, 2016
Section 18 issued for Nimitz 480EC use in Michigan carrots

Vydate supplies are very tight due to a continued disruption in production, leaving Michigan carrot growers with few chemical options for nematode control. Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has provided growers with an alternative by issuing a Section 18 Emergency Use Label for Nimitz 480EC (active ingredient fluensulfone). Michigan State University Extension has put together common questions and answers about this label.shutterstock_78572728

When can Nimitz be used?

The emergency label covers use during April 20-June 15, 2016.

Where can Nimitz be used?

Nimitz can be used for carrot production in Oceana, Newaygo, Lapeer and Montcalm counties in Michigan according to EPA’s authorization letter. The label states that efficacy will be reduced on soils with high clay content and muck soils.

How is Nimitz applied?

The label states the product is to be applied to the soil surface 14 days before carrot sowing in a broadcast or banded application and immediately incorporated to a depth of 6-8 inches. Rates are based on the treated acre, so overall product use can be reduced through band application. The label states that application should be followed by irrigation with 0.5 inches of water two to five days later on soils with less than 5 percent clay. A second irrigation is recommended for soils with more than 5 percent clay. The 14-day pre-plant waiting period is designed to minimize risk of phytotoxicity.

You can get a rough idea of percent clay in your soil type from results of a soil texture test (see page 9 of USDA Textural Classification Study Guide), or using the USDA National Soil Survey Handbook for your county (get your soil type, then see Table 17 on Physical and Chemical Properties of the Soils). You can also access soil survey data online. Note that cation exchange capacity (CEC) results from a soil test can give you a rough idea of soil texture as well.

What does incorporation and irrigation accomplish?

The aim of this is to distribute the product through the soil profile and reduce concentration of the product at the soil surface. This is meant to distribute the product through the soil to control nematodes and ensure crop safety. Concentration of the fluensulfone in the surface where seeds are planted can result in poor germination of carrot and stand loss.

How long does Nimitz provide control for?

The label states that Nimitz will only control nematodes that are present at the time of application.

What data do we have on efficacy for Michigan?

This product has not been tested for nematode control efficacy under Michigan conditions.

For more information, visit the Michigan State University Extension website.

— Ben Werling, Michigan State University

Source: Michigan State University Extension

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