STOC Texas onion South Texas Onion Committee-web

Jan 25, 2023
South Texas Onion Committee seeks new members

The South Texas Onion Committee (STOC) is looking for industry members to participate in its decision making.

The producer and handler nominees seats are for Districts 1, the Coastal Bend and Rio Grande Valley region, and District 2, the Uvalde-Wintergarden region.

STOC Texas onion South Texas Onion Committee-webThe STOC has scheduled a nomination meeting for both districts on Feb. 28 via Zoom. Members of Texas’ onion industry are invited to attend.

“The STOC plays an important role in ensuring producers and handlers get the best price for their products,” Dante Galeazzi STOC’s manager, said in a news release. “We are always looking for new industry members to sit on the committee, keeping the energy-level high and bringing new ideas.”

Steve Cargil, of Cargil Farms Produce in Uvalde, Texas, an onion grower and current STOC chairman, noted a need for industry participation.

“I would like to encourage the Texas onion industry to get involved,” he said in the release.

Cargil said Texas onions are inspected for consistent grade and size standards.

“Without enforceable standards, the STOC ensures the best Texas onions are sent to market and thus ensure the best possible price for all of our growers,” he said in the release. “Plus, the marketing undertaken by STOC is to the benefit of Texas onion growers and shippers. If you have ideas on how you think Texas onion marketing should be shaped, being a part of this committee is crucial.”

Individuals interested in participating or with questions about committee eligibility requirements can contact the STOC’s Lilly Garcia or Petey Garza at (956) 584-9331 or [email protected] for more information.

The committee strongly encourages the industry to consider candidates of all ages and genders to participate.


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