Apr 16, 2015
Vegetable insect pests webinar now available

Michigan State University Extension is continuing to expand the Online Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Academy, which now includes a vegetable pest webinar titled “Becoming an Insect Investigator: Interpreting Vegetable Pest Symptoms and Signs.” Insect crop damage is a classic case of “whodunit.” Sometimes the culprit species is on the scene, but is hidden amongst a diverse crowd of suspects, and sometimes they have fled the scene of the crime. Learn more about major pests of vegetables, how they damage crops and the signs they leave behind.

The Online IPM Academy is a series of online prerecorded webinars available to you for free and with no registration. Commercial and private core pesticide recertification credits are available for Michigan applicators. Michigan residents can earn up to five pesticide recertification credits. A computer with internet connectivity, a web browser and speakers are required.

Email Carol Blake for more information.

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