Aug 8, 2016
Video series features best practices for postharvest washing

A new Penn State Extension farm food safety video series is now available for fruit and vegetable growers seeking more detailed information on farm food safety of harvested crops. The “Using Sanitizers in Wash Water” series is designed for farmers and others involved in the post-harvest handling and cleaning of fresh produce. The three short educational videos recommend best practices so that postharvest handlers of produce understand the potential risks and how to minimize those risks through proper washing and use of wash water sanitizer.

Developed by Luke LaBorde, associate professor of food science, and Lee Stivers, Extension educator in horticulture, the videos address food safety considerations for complying with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) standards.

The first video, “Reasons for Washing Fresh Produce,” provides an overview of food safety considerations addressed in the series, focusing on the conditions under which growers should wash produce postharvest and the steps for proper washing. The second video, “Types of Wash Systems” reviews the various wash systems and which systems require sanitizer. The third video, “Correct Use of Sanitizers” addresses technical considerations in selecting the appropriate sanitizer, and how to effectively and safely apply the product.

The video series provides an introduction to wash water farm food safety considerations and should be used as a supplement to GAPs certification. For more information, visit the GAPs webpage.

Source: Penn State Extension

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