Food safety

Penn State to host microgreens food safety webinar

Penn State Extension is offering a microgreens food safety seminar on March 13 from 12 to 1 p.m. ET. The Microgreens: Addressing Food Safety Concerns webinar is designed to show participants how they can learn... more »

USDA increases funding for new specialty crop program 

A program designed to enhance the competitiveness of U.S. specialty crops has gotten an infusion of funds, a higher payment cap and an extended application deadline. The USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is adding an... more »

Pacific Coast Producers focuses on sustainable production from farm to can

When it comes to fruit and vegetable production, California is America’s superpower. The state’s ideal climate for vegetable production helps make it the third largest producer of processed tomatoes in the world. Pacific Coast Producers... more »

Experts urge produce distributors to prepare for FSMA 204 compliance now

The Produce Distributors Association (PDA) recently held a webinar in which food safety experts urged produce distributors to act now to meet the new traceability requirements under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) 204 by... more »

NC State Extension assisting growers harmed by Hurricane Helene

NC State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Extension is providing support and assistance to members of the CALS and agricultural communities affected by Hurricane Helene. The N.C. Disaster Information Center website, coordinated... more »

Food safety training planned by Georgia Department of Agriculture

The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) is scheduling food safety training. GDA’s Produce Safety Division plans to host a one-day workshop on the Food Modernization Act’s Produce Safety Rule (FSMA). The training is scheduled for... more »

Editor’s Letter: Food safety, harvest and a new focus are all in the forefront

Welcome to Vegetable Growers News' (VGN) food safety issue. With harvest over or ending for many growers, VGN examines steps growers are taking to ensure the safety of the crops they plant, grow and harvest.... more »

Processing lines are weeding out toxic plants mixed with vegetable crops

Toxic weeds can be difficult to combat on processing lines. When poisonous Datura stramonium (commonly known as thorn apple, stinkweed, angel’s trumpet and jimsonweed) or nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) plants get mixed with green vegetables, the... more »

Producers, suppliers may be on an accelerated deadline with FSMA 204 compliance

A new U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rule requiring additional traceability records for certain foods goes into effect in January 2026, but the deadline for compliance may become a reality even sooner. The FDA’s... more »

Neolithics introduces AI produce inspection for vegetable growers

Neolithics has launched an AI-based produce inspection service designed to benefit vegetable growers by providing rapid, non-destructive assessments. The technology offers minute-by-minute results on the quality, ripeness and internal condition of produce, helping growers and... more »

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