Veg Connections
Michigan winters are not cold enough to reduce risk of volunteer potatoes
Potatoes are an important crop to Michigan’s economy so it might come as a surprise to some that not all potatoes are desirable. Volunteer potatoes are a unique type of weed: they are potatoes left... more »
Editor’s letter: Considering new varieties, pest prevention
Welcome to the November 2024 issue of Vegetable Growers News, the new varieties issue. With winter debuting and summer and fall harvests in the rear view mirror, many growers find more time to look to... more »
Advancing onion thrips management: The innovations and latest research insights
The Vegetable Entomology Laboratory at Michigan State University has been conducting research on onion thrips management in onions for 15 years. During this time, we have initially focused on developing insecticide programs to prevent thrips... more »