Crop Protection
Two-spotted spider mites hit high tunnel vegetables
In mid-June I saw several high tunnel tomatoes and cucumbers with moderate to severe two-spotted spider mite (TSSM) Tetranychus urticae infestations (Fig. 1 at top). These pests vary in color from white to yellow to red. Mites... more »
European Union officials ban chlorpropham (CIPC)
The European Commission will no longer allow the use of the herbicide chlorpropham (CIPC) as of Jan. 1, 2020. The European Potato Processors Association (EUPPA) reported the development to its members June 18. Chlorpropham is a... more »
Sym-Agro markets an insecticide ‘synergist’
Visalia, California-based Sym-Agro is marketing a product for making tank mixes of insecticide more effective on fruit and vegetable plants. The product, brand name ALLUMA, is a high-potency broad-spectrum, plant-based... more »
Effective weed control brings better onion stands, higher yields
Onion growers should have and follow a weed control plan for season-long weed control. Research has demonstrated that a few weeds in an onion field, especially during the first few weeks of growth, may reduce... more »
Georgia growers need to apply fungicides to curb downy mildew disease
Georgia vegetable farmers should be on alert as downy mildew disease has been spotted in at least three southern Georgia counties this spring. Additional counties could follow as weather conditions remained favorable for the disease... more »
$40M in Series B financing secured by biopesticide firm Vestaron
Vestaron, a company, dedicated to improving the safety, efficacy and sustainability of crop protection through its development of peptide-based biopesticides, announces its $40 million Series B Financing, led by Novo Holdings A/S. Novo Holdings joins... more »
Timorex Gold fungicide by Summit Agro registered in California
Summit Agro USA has received registration in California for Timorex Gold, a natural botanical broad-spectrum fungicide. Timorex Gold is the world’s leading biofungicide and used in nearly 40 countries worldwide. It provides strong control of... more »
Invasive Species Action Week marked in California
When insects, weeds, animals and diseases enter California from elsewhere in the nation or world, they can cause economic losses to agricultural crops and ecological damage to the state's natural areas. Ultimately, invasive species affect... more »