Pest Control
Online survey on insect pest management targets growers
Researchers at Purdue University and The College of Wooster and are asking growers to participate in a study titled “Insect Pest Management in Vegetable Crops Survey." The purpose of this study is to gather information... more »
Beneficials bring twospotted spider mite control on farms
The predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis can feast on twospotted spider mites and is widely released as a beneficial in greenhouses and some very high value field crops, like strawberries. It can be effectively released into... more »
Classifying methomyl as a restricted use pesticide proposed by MDARD
The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) is proposing classifying all formulations of the insecticide methomyl as a restricted use pesticide. This recommendation was made due to widespread misuse of the product, which... more »
Early scouting for spider mites pays off
Spider mites may may seem insignifigant but they can cause extensive damage and reduce yields if not caught early in the season. The two-spotted spider mite are very tiny (0.4 mm) and usually light yellow... more »
Heat and abiotic stress, sunburn fought by Sym-Agro’s Eckosil Shield
Sym-Agro announced Nov. 18 the introduction of Eckosil Shield, a new OMRI listed silicon-based stress mitigation solution for organic farming and conventional agriculture. Eckosil is based on soluble orthosilicate technology which quickly absorbs into treated... more »
Biological pesticide by Vestaron available to growers in Mexico
Vestaron announced Nov. 16 that its bioinsecticide, SPEAR-Lep, has been approved as the newest biological pesticide available to growers in Mexico. The approval across international borders solidifies Vestaron’s commitment to empowering growers with novel, effective... more »
First biocontrol from Biotalys demonstrates efficacy for growers
Biotalys, an agricultural technology company focused on addressing food protection challenges with protein-based biocontrol solutions, announced Nov. 15 the strong performance of its first biofungicide Evoca for grapes and strawberries in independent efficacy field trials... more »
IR-4: Curbing use of neonicotinoids may cause ‘great disruption’ to ag
The IR-4 project established by the USDA provides information to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to support use of neonics imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin in specialty crops such as fruits, vegetables and nuts; analysis concludes... more »