Sep 12, 2019
Eggert farm tour views latest in organic vegetable production

The Washington State University (WSU) Eggert Family Organic Farm in Pullman, Washington, will host a public tour Sept. 19.

Learn about organic farming, the history of the WSU organic farm, and take a walking tour of the 10‑acre farm, which starts at 3 p.m. The event is co‑hosted by the Moscow Food Co‑op.

“We’re excited to share all the work being done by our faculty, staff and students,” said Brad Jaeckel, farm manager. “This tour will focus on the production techniques used at the farm. The farm sells directly to the Moscow Food Co‑op twice each week and we’re excited to show our Co‑op customers how the food is grown.”

The farm is located on Animal Science Road., off Terre View Drive, behind the WSU Bear Research, Education and Conservation Center. The entrance is the first farm gate on the left.

The event is free and open to the public. Participants can RSVP at the Moscow Food Co‑op website.

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