Michigan students learn about water management
With the Great Lakes, 11,000 inland lakes and tens of thousands of miles of rivers and streams, Michigan is a water wonderland. But the state – like most places – also has a vast supply... more »
Tomato litchi genes studied for nematode resistance in potatoes
University of Idaho researchers are introducing genes from a plant in the nightshade family into potatoes, to develop spuds that resist harmful nematodes. The plant, called litchi tomato, has natural resistance to several species of... more »
Late blight monitoring, cautionary practices encouraged in Midwest
Several cases of late blight have been confirmed in Michigan in recent weeks, and researchers in the Midwest are suggesting preventative measures and close monitoring. An example of Phytophthora infestans (late... more »
LSU breeder LaBonte sets the sweet potato standard
With each new variety from the Louisiana State University (LSU) AgCenter sweet potato program, plant breeder Don LaBonte raises the bar for subsequent releases. For an advanced line to be considered for commercialization, it must... more »
Study seeks info on beet leafhopper, other pests in the Columbia Basin
Vegetable growers in the Columbia Basin can help researchers learn about beet leafhopper management practices. As part of the Areawide Management of Insect Vectors in the Columbia Basin of Washington and Oregon, the U.S. Department... more »
NC SweetPotato Commission launches consumer recipe contest
The North Carolina SweetPotato Commission, the marketing and promotional organization for the largest sweet potato-producing state in the United States, has launched the Blazin’ Blackstone Giveaway Contest, a summer recipe promotion highlighting delicious new ways... more »
Rabobank report continues to track inflation
Throughout Rabobank’s North American Agribusiness Review, the company analyzes the effects of inflation on what consumers buy at retail and order at restaurants, and how growers are being affected, with rising costs of inputs. The... more »
WSU’s first endowed potato chair seeks to grow state industry
Launching Washington State University’s first distinguished program serving potato agriculture, Steve Culman will delve below the surface to keep a $7 billion Washington industry strong. Currently a state specialist in soil fertility for The Ohio... more »
LSU AgCenter sweet potato researcher receives national recognition
For more than 30 years, LSU AgCenter researcher Don La Bonte has worked tirelessly on behalf of producers to further the science and sustainability of the sweet potato industry. His efforts were recently rewarded when... more »
Farmers eye long-term planning, both for farm and themselves
Succession planning probably isn’t much above last will and testament toward the bottom of most farmers’ to-do list. Neither subject is pleasant to think about, but both are necessary for security of both the family... more »