
Tips for managing common pumpkin pests

With pumpkin season kicking off, Univeristy of Arkansas Extension Specialist Aaron Cato is sharing recommendations for managing common pumpkin pests. In addition to the recommendations below, please consult the Southeastern Vegetable IPM Handbook for more... more »

Conditions could lead to escalation of cucurbit downy mildew in Michigan

The first symptoms of cucurbit downy mildew disease on pickling cucumber plants in commercial Michigan fields has been found by Michigan State University’s Hausbeck Plant Pathology Research Lab in Muskegon and Allegan counties. The statewide spore... more »

GFVGA Board, ITC staff review reports on impacts of imported cucumbers, squash

Georgia Fruit Vegetable Growers Association staff and board members met with representatives from the United States International Trade Commission in February to review findings of the commission’s investigations into the effects of imported squash and... more »

Georgia explores options for reducing soilborne pathogens

Georgia growers can grow watermelons without methyl bromide fumigation – they just need several other tools to pick up the slack. That’s the message University of Georgia Assistant Professor Abolfazl Hajihassani had in a paper... more »

Illinois expertise tackles pumpkin bacterial spot

Bacterial spot of pumpkin is a serious emerging disease affecting pumpkin growers around the world. However, University of Illinois researchers and Extension personnel are at the forefront of understanding the problem and how to manage... more »

Decoding the cause of yellow pumpkin leaves

This time of year, I receive many complaints of pumpkin plants with yellow leaves. There can be many reasons why pumpkin plants have yellow leaves. The most common reason for yellow pumpkin leaves doesn’t have... more »

Dual Magnum labeled for Michigan summer squash, strawberry

Syngenta Crop Protection has added summer squash and strawberry to the Dual Magnum (S-metolachlor) Michigan 24c SLN label. Dual Magnum is a pre-emergence herbicide that provides suppression of several annual grasses and broadleaves, and also... more »

Tips for pumpkin management in final stretch

We are in the final stretch of the pumpkin season in Michigan. Vines are dying down and cutting has begun. At this point, growers are discovering just how well their growing season management practices paid... more »

Adverse conditions make growing pumpkins in south Georgia difficult

High temperatures, humid nights and disease pressure make growing pumpkins difficult for south Georgia farmers, according to Tim Coolong, University of Georgia (UGA) Cooperative Extension vegetable horticulturist. Georgia only produces a few hundred acres of... more »

Pumpkin shortage looms after heavy rains

There should be enough pumpkins for Halloween this year, but that might not be the case for the canned pumpkin used in pies come Thanksgiving, according to crop experts in Illinois, the country's top pumpkin-producing... more »

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