
A Busy Road Saves Strawberry Farm

Location, location, location. As cliched as it might sound, it's a big part of what's kept the Thompson family growing strawberries in southeast Wisconsin for about seven decades. Right next to a four-lane state highway... more »

Business Files Help Growers Find a Niche

You own some land in North Carolina. You're trying to figure out what to do with it. You've considered growing some sort of crop, but what should you grow? And will anyone buy it? If... more »

New Fumigant Rules Could Put Some Growers out of Business

EPA released its newest rules for applying soil fumigant pesticides a couple of months ago, and growers are still trying to figure out what the rules mean for them. Some things are certain: The new... more »

Soil Fumigants Under Fire

On the front page of this issue, you'll see a story I wrote about EPA's impending soil fumigant pesticide rules. The story delves into some of the obstacles fumigant-using growers will be facing soon, such... more »

Specialty Growers Hustle, Hope

Strawberry fields are rotting. That's not a morbid twist on a song lyric by the Beatles. It's just one of the issues confronting Arkansas' specialty growers. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Click here to read the rest of... more »

Tunnels Take Advantage of Off-season Markets

About 90 people went to a field day at North Carolina State University's Piedmont Research Station in May to see what researchers there have learned about growing strawberries under high tunnels. The field day audience... more »

Rimon Granted an Exemption in California

The California Department of Pesticide Regulation has granted a specific exemption to allow the use of Rimon 0.83 EC Insecticide to control lygus bugs on strawberries in the California counties of Los Angeles, Monterey, Orange,... more »

Honeybee Shortage Stinging Japanese Farmers

People working in agriculture in Japan are worrying that a nationwide shortage of honeybees used to cross-pollinate strawberries, watermelon and other fruits and vegetable crops will hurt harvests soon. Daily Yomiuri Online Click here to... more »

Wisconsin Farm Market Weathers Ups and Downs

2006 and 2007 were a tough couple of years for Wisconsin Territories Farm Market, but owner Kate Zdroik is ready to bounce back and is optimistic about the upcoming season. Her husband and co-owner, Mark... more »

Mexican Tariffs Answer U.S. NAFTA Breach

When the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect Jan. 1, 1994, it eliminated trade barriers between the United States' biggest trading partners. The agreement benefited U.S. agricultural producers to the tune of... more »

Current Issue

Vegetable Growers News July/August 2024 cover image

Spraying tech

FIRA preview

Labor challenges persist in the fruit and vegetable growing world

A&M Farms’ embrace of tech

Veg connections: Cover crops

GLEXPO preview

Ag Labor Review

Farm Market & Agritourism

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