Sweet corn
Exotic Vegetables Cater to Needs of Immigrant Groups
When the price of field corn nearly doubled last year, farmers responded. They added 10 million acres to the planting schedule this spring. You don't want to do that with eggplant. On the other hand,... more »
Despite Drought, Sweet Corn Harvest Excellent
Mark Daniel says his Sweet corn harvest is busy, thanks to a good crop. WALB News more »
Greenhouse Serves As Markets Retail Center
The big new greenhouse that is Halter's Market sits like a butterfly in Vincennes, Ind., gradually unfolding its wings as the warmth of the day increases. Built of steel, aluminum and glass, the roof gradually... more »
Pursuit Of Grants Alters Washington Extension Priorities
This is the fifth story in a series about the future of Extension. Contrary to the opinions of most of his old professors, Tim Smith is not a loser. In fact, he's quite highly regarded... more »
Petroleum, Not Ethanol, Is The Real Alternative Fuel
People a thousand years from now (if there are still people) will probably write (if they can still write) with some amazement about the blip in history that was the 20th century, and the spirit... more »
Bt Corn Cleared in Colony Collapse Disorder
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has caused much concern among beekeepers nationwide and it is not clear to date what is causing the die-off. Atlanta Tractor more »
Cold, Wet Weather Puts Chill, Damper on Early Spring Planting
Bill Uschock has not yet plowed the Mt. Pleasant Township fields where he intends to plant 40 to 50 acres of corn this year. Daily Courier more »
Kentucky Grower Builds a Retail Destination
Back before Jimmy Dean came to mean sausage, the country singer crooned a tune that contained the line, "that spells Kentucky, but it means paradise." Bill Gallrein Jr. knows what he had in mind. You... more »
Federal Programs Are Worth Billions to Specialty Crops
We've been hearing a lot about specialty crops lately, thanks in large part to the 2007 Farm Bill. In anticipation of the new bill, specialty crop representatives have been making their case to lawmakers in... more »
Ohio Grower Helps Forge New Path for States Produce Farmers
During the 1920s and 1930s, potato chip companies relied on Ohio potato growers to supply them with chipping potatoes. Dan Dee Pretzel and Potato Chip Co. built a plant in the midst of the potato-growing... more »