Sweet corn

New York Grower Harvests 1,300 Acres of Sweet Corn Annually

If you'd like to eat fresh sweet corn on the cob every week of the year, you'll want to know the Gill family from Hurley, N.Y. They can fix you up. Not only do the... more »

Life’s Simple Pleasures Get Harder to Derive

Writing about fruit and vegetables is, for me, made doubly satisfying because I try to practice some of what I preach. I have a large garden and a small collection of fruit trees, and I... more »

Custom Harvester Aids Carrot Farmer

Glenn Vogel's carrot harvester is the only one of its kind. On a good field with plenty of trucks, it can cover 18 to 20 acres per day, pumping out a 22-ton load of carrots... more »

Market Strives To Focus On Local Food

Being manager of a farmers' market isn't easy. Combine that with studying for a master's degree in business, helping out at the family farm on weekends and selling produce at other markets, and you have... more »

Sweet Corn Charlie: Season Extension Is Strategy For Success

If you can have sweet corn by the Fourth of July in northern Indiana, you'll grab customers and, if the corn's good enough, you'll keep them for the entire season. That doesn't mean knee-high corn... more »

Agritainment Requires Patience, Personality And People Skills

Before you decide to specialize in agritainment, you need to ask yourself one question: Do I have the personality for it? Patience and self-control are the two most important qualities you need when dealing with... more »

Corporate Social Responsibility As Good As Good Government?

Back in "the old days," it was conventional wisdom that some people and most large corporations, given the opportunity, would do bad things sometimes, and it was the role of government to make or keep... more »

USDA Proposes Ending Fruit And Vegetable Ban On Program Acres

When Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns announced Jan. 31 that USDA was recommending "planting flexibility of fruits, vegetables and wild rice on base acres" be allowed in the next Farm Bill, Steve Smith was very, very... more »

Area Crops Appear to Escape Widespread Cold Damage

The usual pitch-black darkness of western Palm Beach County's farming area was pierced with the lights of at least 30 helicopters today as they swooped over sweet corn and green bean fields on the east... more »

Specialty Growers Preparing for Insect Battle

The combination of a mild winter, the corn earworm's possible development of resistance to insecticide, and the spread of aphids in Illinois could present some different challenges to growers this season. Farm Week more »

Current Issue

Vegetable Growers News July/August 2024 cover image

Spraying tech

FIRA preview

Labor challenges persist in the fruit and vegetable growing world

A&M Farms’ embrace of tech

Veg connections: Cover crops

GLEXPO preview

Ag Labor Review

Farm Market & Agritourism

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