Better tomato nutrition for improved packouts
Producing the greatest quantity of the highest quality tomatoes (peppers too) requires careful attention to production details.Packable tomato yields of 20-plus pounds per plant are readily attainable by growers willing to focus on production details.... more »
Cultivate Michigan initiative promotes peppers by hosting field trip
Sweet and spicy Michigan peppers are a highly nutritious and versatile vegetable for individuals and institutional food service staff alike. They boast high nutritional value, an abundance of varieties and uses, and summertime availability. A... more »
Syngenta replies to Monsanto announcement
The Board of Syngenta confirms that it received a verbal proposal from Monsanto to acquire the company at a price of CHF245 in cash and a fixed ratio of 2.229 Monsanto shares per Syngenta share.... more »
North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission announces new executive director
Kelly McIver was named the executive director of the North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission (NCSPC) on Aug. 17, following the retirement announcement earlier this year by longtime director Sue Johnson-Langdon. McIver comes over from the... more »
National Kale Day scheduled for October 7
This year will mark the third annual National Kale Day on Oct. 7.In recent years, kale's popularity has grown in both supermarkets and on restaurant menus. In fact, Whole Foods Market now buys and sells... more »
Webinar: ‘A Breach of Contract is Established Under PACA: Now What?’
The Agricultureal Marketing Services' Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA) Division presents "A Breach of Contract is Established Under PACA: Now What?" webinar to explore the steps after a breach of contract is determined. The webinar... more »
Internet use on U.S. farms up 3 percent
Seventy percent of U.S. farms and ranches now have access to Internet, a 3 percent growth from 2013, according to the “Computer Usage and Ownership” report, released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National... more »
Mississippi grower awarded for on-farm activities
Mississippi vegetable grower Allen Eubanks was recently selected as his state's winner of the Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year award. He was nominated by Patricia Knight of Mississippi State University's Coastal Research... more »